ceturtdiena, 2017. gada 27. aprīlis

Atskats uz Bibliotēku nedēļu.

Ir noslēgusies Latvijas Bibliotēku nedēļa.To aizsākām ar jaunu pakalpojumu.
Bibliotēkas 2. stāvā  tika atvērts «Rezervēto grāmatu brīvpieejas plaukts». 
  • Rezervē sev interesējošos izdevumus ORTUS > Bibliotēka vai rtu.lv > RTU ZB katalogs.
  • Nāc uz Centrālo bibliotēku, dodies pie brīvpieejas plaukta un reģistrē izdevumus līdzņemšanai pašapkalpošanās automātā vai pie bibliotekāra.

Visu nedēļu publicējām bibliotēkas lietotāju atsauksmes par mums. Šodien pēdējais teksts. Lai izvairītos no neprecizitātēm, to publicējam angļu valodā.
Merija Jirgensons, PhD
Senior Researcher for English language support
Distance Education Learning Centre
17 April 2017
The Flourish RTU Learning and Research Centre

The Riga Technical University Learning Support Centre, also known as the library, is a growing and modernizing research centre. In a word, it is flourishing.  Its mission seems clear: to support a community of budding research scientists. Its friendly staff is savvy and supportive. It is ready to guide young scientists to pertinent materials or offer strategies best suited to support developing research goals. In spite of limited budgets, the staff is focused and discerningly maximizes the benefits within these constraints.
Moreover, training in database searches is available by appointment to both individuals and classes. Students and, faculty and staff may learn strategic searches that save time and guide them to their research goals much more advantageously. 
My own work has been greatly enriched by assistance from the library staff, and this readily available assistance has allowed me to embrace new research projects with more confidence.
The new wing of the library is a conference cum research centre that supports university conferences and offers facilities for group and individual study. Passageways to other buildings offer library patrons safe and dry access to other points on campus.
Impressive photographs grace the library walls.  These are the work of students and staff, and the images appear sharp and unique. The exhibits are periodically changed.

Visu nedēļu publicējām arī Iļģuciema vidusskolas 1.b klases skolēnu zīmējumus par to, kas viņiem patika mūsu bibliotēkā.

Bibliotēkā uzņēmām viesus no Siguldas pilsētas bibliotēkas, Latvijas Kultūras koledžas bibliotēkas un no Kauņas Tehnoloģiskās universitātes bibliotēkas.

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